Friday, May 14, 2010

System Abuse v. Rights Violation v. War on Drugs

Arizona, yeah. You know whats going on.

I am writing in response directly to "Backwood Political Insight."

Mr. Backwood made some great points in with his "political insight."
He address the obvious issue; illegal immigrants and their abuse of our democracy.
But in addition to that, he addressed a more subtle issue; what some of these immigrants are bringing with them besides wishes of the American Dream.

Of which include, mostly, narcotics.
Did anyone look beyond the civil rights issues of this law and see the other dangers that this new law might be trying prevent? I did not.

Also, did anyone know about the part of the new legislature that collects money from illegal immigrants in productive ways towards their citizenship. Great idea.
Its not that these people prefer being illegal and subjected to racial profiling, they just cannot jump through the necessary hoops to become legal tax-paying citizens.

Here we go.."Well, they should go back to Mexico then!"

Let's invite these people in and allow them to help with our democracy and stimulate our economy and perpetuate our industrial power.
But first, lets help make them ez 1040 equal.

The incident that ignited the proposal of this law,(according to Mr. Backwood) is a little frightening and makes me reluctant to shed any sympathy toward any one trying to become a legal citizen, But we cannot judge a whole nation and race by a few bad apples.
This story about the rancher was news to me, so not only was this blog insightful and abstarct but it is also informational about the new Arizona law.