Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dems respectful of GOP win in Mass...

With Republican candidate Scott Brown winning the senate election and the seat for a libreal Massachusetts over Democratic Martha Coakley in an upset, one major concern is a reality...Health care legislation hindrance, possible termination. With the late Ted Kennedy filling Mass.'s senate seat, the Democrats were leading the House of Senate with a supermajority fillled with sixty seats. Now that the democratic rule over the senate with Brown's 41st republican seat is over, legislation like universal health care, climate change, and other components of the left legislation agenda is subject to compromise and/or the end. The Democrats have lost their fillibuster-proof 60 majority vote security blanket and Brown's opposition to the current health care legislation was a key part of his campaign. Post election strategies used by fearful Dems for delaying or possibly preventing Brown from reaching Washington swiflty or quickly passing the bill, is something of urgency for Democratic officials. In response, surprisingly, powerful Democartic officials inluding the President himself, are almost embracing Brown's victory. President Obama even related his own victory to Brown's in being quoted saying,"Here's my assesment of not just the vote in Massachusetts, but the mood around the country: the same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office, People are angry and they are frusrated. Not just because of what's happened in the past year or two years, but what's happened over the last eight years." Obama also suggests that Congress "shouldn't try to jam anything through" before Brown takes his seat in Washington.

So with Democrats giving democracy a chance, time will tell how powerful Mr. Brown really is. Or how the concept of senate vote really is....bring on the fillibusters!

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